5 Facts to Know about Urinary Incontinence

When do you know you are experiencing urinary incontinence? If you sense loss of bladder control frequently, you experience urine leakage when you cough or sneeze, and/or have an abrupt urge to go to the toilet, you may be experiencing urinary incontinence. This condition can affect both genders.
We’ve compiled the top 5 facts to know about urinary incontinence this year. Continue reading to find out.
Urinary incontinence affects both Genders
There are misconceptions that urinary incontinence affects only women. However, contrary to this myth, urinary incontinence affects both males and females.
Urinary Incontinence can be sign of other underlying causes
Suffering from urinary incontinence may indicate that there is another underlying health condition in your body. Frequently, urinary incontinence may be accompanied by an issue in your urinary tract, for instance, infection, nerve damage, blockages, or muscle weakness among others. Urinary incontinence as a result of diabetes, stroke, and multiple sclerosis.
In women, this issue can be related to weak pelvic tissues and muscles as well. In men, the main cause of incontinence may be BPH (benign prostatic hyperplasia).
Exercise May Boost Urinary Control
Exercise is among the best practices to engage in if you want to improve your urinary control. Oftentimes, people tend to overlook physical exercise. Keeping active can keep your muscles fit and strong. Kegel exercises are the best for urinary control benefits in both males and females. Generally, kegel exercise involves strengthening pelvic muscles and rapid voluntary contraction of the muscle to improve urinary control.
If you have frequent urinary incontinence, discuss your condition with your pharmacist and/or your health care provider to determine if you are experiencing other underlying causes and how to control and treat this issue.
Urinary Incontinence can be treated
Medications, Surgery, Interventional therapies, medical devices are some of the therapies that can be used to treat and control urinary incontinence. Treatment for urinary incontinence depends on the type of incontinence, its severity and the underlying cause. A combination of treatments may be needed. If an underlying condition is causing your symptoms, your physician will first treat that condition. Your doctor may recommend less invasive treatments to start with and move on to other options if these techniques fail to help you.
Absorbent pads and catheters can be used for urinary incontinence
If medical treatments can’t eliminate your incontinence, you can try products that help ease the discomfort and inconvenience of leaking urine:
Pads and protective garments. Most products are no more bulky than normal underwear and can be easily worn under everyday clothing. Men who have problems with dribbles of urine can use a drip collector — a small pocket of absorbent padding that’s worn over the penis and held in place by close-fitting underwear.
Catheter. If you’re incontinent because your bladder doesn’t empty properly, your doctor may recommend that you learn to insert a soft tube (catheter) into your urethra several times a day to drain your bladder. You’ll be instructed on how to clean these catheters for safe reuse.
These blogs are for informational purposes only. For medical advice specific to your needs, please consult with your pharmacist and/or health care provider.