Blood Pressure Monitoring

Blood Pressure Monitoring

High blood pressure is a top contributing factor to many serious health problems, including: stroke, kidney failure, heart failure, heart attack, and even diabetes.
Small changes in pressure can make a significant change in life expectancy, so it is important for you to know your blood pressure, and keep it controlled.
At Fort Royal Pharmacy, we have Blood Pressure Monitoring equipment from PharmaSmart Technology.
We provide you with tools to help you track of your blood pressure over time, and accurately report the blood pressure results to your doctor.

Our Pharmacists can also help you interpret your blood pressure results, and provide valuable consultations between your regular doctor visits.

Visit our store to get your blood pressure monitored.
Reach out to us to get your blood pressure monitored.
Our Other Locations
2217 Oak Bay Ave
#50-797 Hillside Ave
1803 Fort St
#B102-681 Allandale Rd
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